Friday, April 29, 2022

FINAL Blog Post- Technology & Me

 Technology, You Gotta Love It!

I have never been obsessed with technology and wanting the latest products on the market. Over time my relationship with technology has become healthier. Probably 4 years ago I would want to be on my phone and on some app to pass the time because I saw how engaged others were on their devices and felt in a way I should be too. However, as time has passed, I have realized I do not need to be on my phone as much and others probably should take a break.

I use technology, specifically my phone for social media, and I am aware of what I want to give my time to and what I do not want to give my time to. Depending on the app it can change. My main 4 social media apps are Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and TikTok. My accounts on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter are older than my TikTok account. At first, I did not really see the point of TikTok, so I did not download it until about 2 years after it got really popular, which was around 2018/2019. I do not engage in Instagram as much as I did a few years ago. Now, I just go on there and scroll through my feed so it can be updated for whenever I come back on the app. The format and new features of Instagram have changed it from its original look, and that is part of the reason I am not as engaged with it. I used to have Snapchat streaks, the most was probably 15, that is low compared to peers of mine who have 30 plus streaks. 3 years ago, I ended my streaks because I found them useless. A streak is essentially sending an actual Snapchat photo back and forth with someone else and Snapchat will track the days that it lasts, but if over 24-hours go by without either or just one party sending a Snapchat photo it will die and you can start all over. Personally, I did not see the point because I had streaks with people who I did not talk to on a regular basis and having to keep restarting because one party did not snap is tiring. I currently have one streak and that is not too bad, but I do not think I would want to go back up to 15. I use Twitter to keep up with the world ranging from politics to celebrities. I do research on my own, but for the big headlines they are usually going to be on Twitter. I do not tweet but would rather look and see what other people have to say. I did not think I would like TikTok as much as I do but I go on the app every day. TikTok can be addictive  and I feel that is because the videos can range from 15 seconds to 10 minutes. Which can replace watching a YouTube video and creators talk about a range of topics from cooking and cleaning to book suggestions and exposing people.

I am aware of my time spent on all of these apps. I do try not to spend much time on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter because I am not as interested in the apps anymore. I do spend more time on TikTok because my For You Page (FYP) is always changing to show me more videos that I am interested in or that the algorithm thinks I will be interested in. I have friends and family that range from wanting to be on their phone or use some type of technology when they do not have to and ones who barely check their devices. Technology addiction is real, and I do not compare my usage to others because everyone has different reasons for their usage. I do try to monitor my time which is broken up between entertainment and doing schoolwork.

There is a great deal of information that circulates the internet every day and I have discovered news things from it. At the same time, it can be hard to know what is true and what is fake. There are people deliberately spreading false information and they know it to be false, which is disinformation. Then, there are people who see disinformation and believe it is real so they may share the post, like it, or comment in support which is misinformation because they do not know that it is false information. For example, when reports came out that Leonardo DiCaprio donated $10 million to Ukraine because it was his grandmother's homeland turned out to be false. It was easy to believe those headlines because he has donated to causes in the past, is an environmentalist, and has his own foundation.

Not only should people research articles or headlines they find, but videos as well because of deep fakes. Deep fakes are “images, sound and video that appear to have been created through traditional means but that have, in fact, been constructed by complex software” usually made to appear like someone who was not originally filmed is in the video. In this time where the world is, information needs to be fact checked because of all the right and wrong information circulating.

Online or digital footprints are what people have put out on the internet about themselves, voluntary information. These things include a new job or outfit, where they are eating, how they are feeling, what they like and dislike, and more. I have been aware of my digital footprint for a while now because it is important. I know employers look up applicants' social media and some may even ask for applicants' handles. Social media is just a glimpse into people’s lives, and they decide what they want people to see, but sometimes people do not make the best choices of what they post. Anywhere between 57% to 70% of check social media pages of employers. Companies look at employers' social media to see what their personal lives are like, and if they are upholding the same values and principles that they present when they were at work. They do not want their image to be distorted because of an employee's social media. People should take a step back and examine their social media presence to ensure they are putting out a truthful image of themselves.

Overall, technology does have some good advances like in the medical field, reconnecting those who lost touch, and the way offices are run to name a few things. Technology is propelling the world faster into the future. Yes, there are some major concerns that will be brought up as time goes on like privacy, the use of AI, and how secure our data is. There may be more questions than answers arise, and tough decisions will have to be made to ensure digital privacy.

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